depressed woman sitting on floor

Learning to Love: How to Stay Away from Self-Deprecation While in Rehab

Drug and alcohol addiction compromises self-worth and undermines well-being. And if you allow it to eat up more space in your life, it’ll steal your joy as well. 

It’s okay to love yourself again. The journey to appreciating your own life after addiction starts with circumventing self-deprecation. 

Living in rehabilitation forces you to face reality. And that reality details how you’ve allowed substance abuse to affect you and your loved ones. The feeling of failure alone entices feelings criticism and fault-finding. 

Don’t let the road to recovery lead you to hate yourself. 

If you’re dealing with the pressure of self-disapproval while in rehab, read on. Discover right here a few ways to stay away from condemning yourself. 

Your Past Does Not Define Your Future

Though significant, your past is a collection of instances. Most of which should have no gravity in your future.  

When you let go of the past, you release who you were in that moment. Every moment in your life doesn’t define who you are. But they are experiences that can shape your identity if you allow them. 

Human beings have flaws. Period. There’s no person on the earth who is without fault or failure.

Stop letting what you did keep you from becoming who you’re destined to be. 

Forgive yourself for the times you lived beneath the true purpose inside you. Move past it and continue making positive plans for the future. 

Addiction is a Disease

Addiction is a disease that alters the functions of the brain and body. You can’t rub dirt on it and expect it to go away. 

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Disease doesn’t give you a license to be reckless. And, it doesn’t excuse bad behavior. You own how you hurt yourself and others.

Still, while under the influence of addiction, your brain makes choices you normally wouldn’t. Most of those choices lead to bad, destructive behavior. Understand that you’re suffering from a disease which makes drug intervention programs necessary. 

Self-Care Matters

A huge part of self-care involves making amends with the entire situation. That means making an atonement of your deeds to the people you hurt and yourself.

Asking for forgiveness offers relief to those you crossed while you were in active addiction. It might not fix things right away. But it’s a step in the healing process for your loved ones and yourself. 

Making amends starts with an “I’m sorry”. I’m sorry is admitting what you did and taking ownership of the hurt you’ve caused. Then, make an effort to fix what you can.

A good example is paying back debts and restoring losses. 

While you can’t fix the emotional distress you caused, an active apology starts the healing process. 

Look Forward to the Future

Part of conquering the critical voice in your head has to do with looking forward to the future

Moments of addictions don’t define your whole life. So, make plans for the rest of it. Relive in rehab.

Make a list of plans and promises to yourself. Expect to fulfill them while you’re recovering. 

Expectation gives you hope while you’re fighting through the dark days. It’s that little ray of sunshine that promises better days ahead. 

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Defeat Self-Deprecation

You aren’t what you did. Yes, you own your actions, but the disease of addiction is a terrible influencer.

Don’t allow self-deprecation to master you in rehab. Overcome it with self-care, love, and plans for the future.

Want to learn more about well-being and happiness? Read our tips on healthy living for insights into living a better you.