Toddler Exercise

5 Toddler Exercise Ideas to Give Yourself a Breather

Did you know that doctors recommended toddlers get around 90 minutes of combined structured and unstructured play every day? Since toddlers grow and develop quickly, they have lots of energy they need to expend to use their new skills.

Have you ever wondered how you can foster toddler exercise in your two to three-year-old? Here are some tips for how to raise an active toddler and even get some exercise in yourself. 

1. Go to the Playground

Playgrounds are a great place for children to run around, socialize, and make new friends. In addition, playground equipment encourages your toddler to learn new skills and develop their hand-eye coordination.

If you do not have a playground near you, then consider getting play equipment for your home. This product is easy to set up and you can watch your children play from the comfort of your house.

2. Dance It Out

There are many videos on YouTube and other sites that encourage toddler dancing. These videos feature family-friendly music, fun characters, and some even have guided dance moves.

If your child looks antsy, try putting on a dance video while you tackle some of your household tasks. You can also dance together if you want to take a break.

3. Do Productive Chores

Wondering how to tire out your toddler and still be productive? Teach them how to do some chores that they can handle. Chores from an early age will give them a sense of responsibility and purpose.

Some of the best chores that your toddler can do include:

  • putting toys away
  • stacking items
  • loading the laundry
  • clean up small messes
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To make things more fun, try a chore chart or wheel where your toddler can choose which tasks they want to complete for the day. You can also implement a rewards system to encourage good work.

4. Enroll in Sports

It is never too early to start your child in a sports league. Sports are a wonderful way to make new friends, learn how to work as a team, and even meet other parents.

Look for leagues in your area that have toddler teams. These usually focus less on the game and more on developing social and physical skills.

5. Form a Playgroup

A healthy toddler knows how to socialize and play with their friends. Consider joining or forming a playgroup that can encourage lifelong friendships.

You can meet at a neutral place, such as the park, or switch off who hosts the playdate for the week. Playgroups are also a great way for parents to make new friends and bond over common interests.

Try These Toddler Exercise Ideas Today

If you have a toddler, you should not have to feel intimidated by their boundless energy. With these toddler exercise trips, you can keep them happy and entertained at all times of the day.

Would you like to learn more about how to raise a child effectively? Check out our site for more tips, tricks, and parenting hacks.