Create a PDF File

When and How to Create a PDF File

Did you know Adobe launched PDFs in 1993? Yes, the portable document format (PDF) has a history of almost 30 years now!

And for a good reason. PDFs are the best way to exchange electronic documents, especially since they became an open standard in 2008. 

If you’re unsure how to use PDFs, this article is for you. Keep reading to learn when and how to create a PDF!

When to Use a PDF

Anytime you’re exchanging electronic documents, you want to use a PDF. That’s because PDFs can correctly display the following on any device, including smartphones and tablets:

  • Documents
  • Forms
  • Images
  • Web pages

When you email a PDF rather than another file format, you guarantee the receiver can properly open and view what you’re sending. It’s accessible, professional, and versatile.

The last thing you want is for your important document to look wonky when your receiver opens it because they’re using a Mac and you’re using a PC.

Plus, if you use PDF/A, you can open documents years from now, and they will look exactly the same. So this is perfect for archiving digital documents long-term.

PDF also allows you to password-protect documents, so others cannot tamper with or edit them. Professionals across industries use PDFs because they are almost non-editable, making them secure.

The paid version of Acrobat, Acrobat DC, actually offers several security features to customers using the application. 

How to Create a PDF

Creating a PDF is quite simple, and there are several ways to do it depending on what program you’re using. 

First, you can download and open the free version of Adobe Acrobat. 

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Then, choose “Tools” > “Create PDF.”

Next, select the file type you want to create. You can choose from:

  • Single file
  • Multiple files
  • Scan
  • Other option 

Click “Create” or “Next,” depending on which file type you choose. Finally, follow the prompts to convert your document to a PDF.

Save the PDF to your preferred location.  

If you’re working on a Microsoft program, such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint, you can also turn these files into a PDF without Acrobat. 

Go to “File” > “Print.” 

You will see a drop-down box that says “PDF.” If you click the box, you can choose “Save as PDF.”

Before saving the document as a PDF, you can select if you want to save all the pages or just some of them. You choose which pages you want to save the same way you select which pages to print.

To create or modify PDF files in applications, web applications or traditional Windows applications, use DynamicPDF. This is perfect for C# users. 

Regardless of what program you’re using, you can convert those documents to PDF files.

Turn Your Important Files Into PDFs

Now that you know when and how to create a PDF, you can easily use PDF files. Don’t make the mistake of sending other file formats again, as they could look distorted to your viewers. 

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