how to reduce your ecological footprint

7 Life Hacks for Shrinking Your Carbon Footprint

The devastating effects of global warming have become commonplace and will continue to grow if we don’t find ways to reduce our carbon footprint. If something doesn’t change, we’ll continue to experience harsh weather, rising sea levels, wildfires, and other environmental problems.

Making changes to the way you live may seem futile when considering the enormity of the problem. However, if everyone does their part to reduce their carbon footprint, we can help protect the future of our planet.

Fortunately, many of these life changes are small. It only. takes a little initiative and discipline.

If you’re wondering how to reduce your ecological footprint, keep reading. We’re going over seven easy techniques.

1. Composting

When waste matter builds up in landfills, over time it creates methane. This is the second most prevalent greenhouse gas next to carbon dioxide.

Recycling is one way to keep trash out of landfills. Another is by composting at home.

This process involves keeping your organic waste matter and allowing it to decompose without throwing it away. Over time it becomes fertilizer you can use in your yard or garden.

The process of composting has gained popularity and there are now products available that make it easy. Invest in a compost bin and start collecting your organic waste matter instead of tossing it in the trash.

You can also start a compost pile in your backyard and add leaves, woodchips, and recycled paper to aid in the decomposition process. It also helps to keep it damp.

2. Cut Down on Plastic

Think about all the products that come in plastic containers. Sure, it adds a level of convenience, but where does that material end up once you’re done using it? The answer is in landfills or the ocean.

The problem with plastic is it takes a long time to decompose. Yes, recycling all plastic material helps, but if you want to go further when reducing your carbon footprint, you need to cut down on the use of plastic altogether.

This is easy than it sounds. First, invest in reusable grocery bags and make it a point to use them every time you go shopping.

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Instead of buying plastic water bottles, buy a reusable one. If you’re worried about water quality in your city, invest in a filter for your tap or refrigerator.

3. Eat Locally-Grown Foods

When you can, buy food that’s locally grown. Find out where the farmer’s markets are in your city and make a trip every week. There’s a good chance you’ll get hooked right away.

Buying locally-grown foods supports the agriculture in your area. It also cuts down on emissions created when food gets shipped long distances.

A huge advantage of buying local foods is quality. The produce will taste better and won’t contain pesticides that the fruits and vegetables in chain grocery stores have.

You should also seek out local restaurants that provide a farm-to-table menu. This means they get a lot of their ingredients from local farmers. Some restaurants even grow their own produce on-site.

4. Drive Less

Auto emissions are a huge problem for the environment. While electric cars provide an effective solution, they’re not used enough.

A great way to reduce your carbon footprint is to cut down on the amount of driving you do. If it’s feasible, start riding a bicycle to work or school.

Or, opt for public transportation, even if it’s just two or three times a week. Doing so reduces emissions and saves money on gas.

If you commute to work, think about carpooling with other employees. This helps cut down on the number of cars on the road.

When you have to drive, there are ways you can drive smart. Take highways to cut down on gas mileage and limit the amount of starting and stopping you do.

5. Shop at Secondhand Stores

Instead of buying new items every time you shop, start frequenting secondhand shops instead. This type of recycling helps cut down on manufacturing emissions.

The great thing about this is that you don’t have sacrifice style. Vintage shops are now very popular and offer unique clothes and furniture. Plus, there’s a good chance you’ll save some cash.

You should also look for local shops that sell sustainably manufactured clothing. This type of clothing gets produced without the use of harmful chemicals.

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When it’s time to downsize your closet, donate or sell your clothes to secondhand shops or organizations like Goodwill. This keeps them out of landfills and gives them new life.

6. Save Energy at Home

There are a number of little tricks that can help reduce energy emissions and cut down on greenhouse gasses. The benefit to you is lower energy bills.

Make sure your home is well insulated. This will help keep things cool in the summer and warm in the winter without the need to push your HVAC system too hard.

Another way to increase the energy efficiency of your home is by replacing old windows. This will keep air from leaking out or getting in.

Invest in LED light bulbs throughout your house. They use much less energy and don’t contain harmful chemicals like traditional bulbs.

If you want to take energy conservation to the next level, have a qualified solar panel company install panels on your roof. This way you’re using the sun to power your home instead of fossil fuels.

7. Contribute to the Cause

There are a number of ways you can contribute to the lowering of your community’s carbon footprint.

Either start or join a group to plant a community garden. Collectively, you can grow local produce for residents of the area. You can also look for groups that help clean up the community or plant trees in local parks.

You should also make it a point to support local businesses that use sustainable products. This is much better than supporting large corporations.

Now You Know How to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint

We must all do our part for the environment. Even though it may seem like your efforts won’t make a difference, making small life changes contributes to a greener future.

Incorporate these tips on how to reduce your ecological footprint and help put an end to greenhouse gases.

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